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Price &

Share price


NAV per share




Net yield


Total assets


Cumulative Performance

Total shareholder return

1 year: 24.3%

3 years: 26.1% 
5 years: 72.2%

Net Asset Value (NAV) total return

1 year: 22.7%
3 years: 23.9% 
5 years: 69.4%

MSCI ACWI total return*

1 year: 25.3%

3 years: 25.2% 
5 years: 70.2%


Discrete Performance (%)


30 October 23
30 October 24
30 October 22
30 October 23
30 October 21
30 October 22
30 October 20
30 October 21
30 October 19
30 October 20

Total shareholder return

NAV total return











MSCI ACWI total return25.34.8-4.729.55.0


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. The value of shares and the income from them can rise and fall, so investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Net Asset Value (“NAV”) performance is not the same as share price performance and investors may not realise returns in line with NAV performance. All data is provided as of end October 2024. *MSCI All Country World Index Net Dividends Reinvested

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Notes: Alliance Witan like some other investment trusts borrows to finance further investment (gearing). The use of gearing is likely to lead to volatility in the NAV, meaning that a relatively small movement, down or up, in the value of an investment trust’s assets will result in a magnified movement, in the same direction, of that NAV. This may mean that you could get back less than you invested or nothing at all. Exchange rate changes may cause the value of overseas investments to go down as well as up and can impact on both the level of income received and capital value of your investment.

Sources: Investment Performance data is provided by The Bank of New York Mellon Performance & Risk Analytics Europe Limited, Morningstar and MSCI Inc; NAV total return is based on NAV including income with debt at fair value, after all manager fees (including Willis Towers Watson’s fees) and allows for any tax reclaims when they are achieved. All figures may be subject to rounding errors.

Notes: Alliance Witan like some other investment trusts borrows to finance further investment (gearing). The use of gearing is likely to lead to volatility in the NAV, meaning that a relatively small movement, down or up, in the value of an investment trust’s assets will result in a magnified movement, in the same direction, of that NAV. This may mean that you could get back less than you invested or nothing at all. Exchange rate changes may cause the value of overseas investments to go down as well as up and can impact on both the level of income received and capital value of your investment.

Sources: Investment Performance data is provided by The Bank of New York Mellon Performance & Risk Analytics Europe Limited, Morningstar and MSCI Inc; NAV total return is based on NAV including income with debt at fair value, after all manager fees (including Willis Towers Watson’s fees) and allows for any tax reclaims when they are achieved. All figures may be subject to rounding errors.