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Bill Kanko & Heather Peirce

Photo of Bill Kanko

Black Creek seek out leading global businesses that are widely misunderstood by the market. Rather than following what’s popular, they often take a contrarian view and examine businesses in their entirety, looking for long-term drivers of success. This allows them to scour every region and industry for opportunities that others may miss.

Bill Kanko | Founder, Portfolio Manager & Managing Director

Bill founded Black Creek in 2005, and has over 40 years’ experience under his belt. From positions as Senior VP with AIM Trimark, to managing mutual funds for Mackenzie Financial, his impressive credentials speak for themselves.

Heather Peirce | Director of Global Equities & Managing Director

Heather and Bill form a strong partnership, having worked and grown together for the last twenty years. Heather also holds a wealth of experience, with 30 years in global equities – many of which have been as portfolio manager and VP at a number of high-profile funds such as Invesco Trimark.

Introducing Black Creek Investment Management




The big question: Is generative AI game changing?


Alliance Trust fund managers Kishore Rao, from Sustainable Growth Advisers, and Heather Peirce, from Black Creek Investment Management, examine generative AI and whether it’s a game-changing phenomenon.