How to buy
It's easy to invest through an adviser or platform.

If you’d like to buy shares in Alliance Witan – welcome.
Investing with us is simple.

Speak to your adviser
If you have an independent financial adviser or stockbroker, they can buy shares in Alliance Witan for you.

Find us on a platform
You can also buy shares through an investment platform.
Should I buy via a platform or through an adviser?
Finding your comfort zone
Buying through a platform can be a good option for investors with some experience, who understand their risk appetite. If you’re unsure, speak with an adviser. We’re built to outperform the market, while also focusing on your peace of mind.

If you’re buying via a platform
Plenty of platforms
There are lots of savings and investment platforms where you can get shares in Alliance Witan. Charges and terms vary from platform to platform, so it’s a good idea to brush up before you buy. Some platforms do offer advice or guidance, but this may cost extra.
If you’re going through an adviser
Where to find one
Although we’ll help where we can, we’re not authorised to give financial advice. For that reason, we’d recommend speaking to a stockbroker or financial adviser first before you invest. To find one close to you, follow the links below.

Is Alliance Witan right for you?
Think about risk
Risk is a big part of investing. With every investment, there’s the chance your money could go down as well as up. And taking on some risk is often the price of getting a return.
That’s why it’s so important to understand your own personal attitude to risk before you invest. And to get a good understanding of the risks that come with any investment. If you need help understanding what feels right for you, please speak to an independent financial adviser.
Patience can pay off
We’re an equity-based, medium risk investment trust. That makes us a long-term investment – ideally five years or more. This gives you the best chance of seeing your investment grow, and riding out short-term highs and lows.
Before investing, please also read through the Alliance Witan Investor Disclosure Document, particularly the Investment Risk section. And our Legal and Regulatory Information and our Information Document.